Privacy not Included

I’ve previously written about the difficulties of keeping up to date with the current privacy policies of products one is using. Not only are they updated regularly, they are also long and complex. Here Mozilla, the non profit organisation behind Firefox among other things, have created Privacy not Included to help. Privacy not included is a tool where experts investigates the privacy of different products, and gives clear information both what is said in the policy and what data it collects (permissions, sensors on the device etc....

May 26, 2022 · 2 min · Oskar Edbro

An Analysis of the Spotify GDPR Data Export

I’ve gotten a bit curious about what data different companies are collecting about me. This have led to a couple of GDPR requests to companies to provide the data so I can analyse it. In this post I will share my thoughts about the content of the report I got from Spotify, and the process of fetching the data. The Download Process The process to get access to your data is quite straight forward....

February 7, 2021 · 14 min · Oskar Edbro