Migrating to Cloudflare

I’ve been looking around on how to get some statistics from my blog, especially regarding the number of visitors. Sadly the current solution (GitHub pages) does not seem to natively support this kind of statistics without adding third party tracking. After looking around for different solutions Cloudflare caught my attention. I know that among others, Troy Hunt writes about and uses Cloudflare, so I decided to give it a try....

April 17, 2021 · 2 min · Oskar Edbro

Building a Webpage

So here we go, I finally got around to building a blog, and after looking around at different options i ended up using Jekyll and github pages. In addition to getting me this webpage, it allowed me to get some basic insight into ruby, making this a case of two birds one stone. Getting things to work have been quite a fiddle, so lets walk through how I got things up and running....

August 19, 2020 · 2 min · Oskar Edbro